Journal Articles
1.Jiang Xin,Ding Zhihua, Li Xiuping, et al. How cultural values and anticipated guilt matter in Chinese residents’ intention of low carbon consuming 바카라 오토[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246: 119069.(JCR Q1, IF=9.444)
2.Jiang Xin,Ding Zhihua, Liu Rong. Can Chinese residential low-carbon consumption 바카라 오토 intention be better explained? The role of cultural values[J].Natural Hazards, 2019, 95(1): 155-171.(JCR Q2, IF= 3.158)
3.Zhihua Ding,Xin Jiang*,Zhenhua Liu, Ruyin Long, Zinan Xu, and Qingren Cao. "Factors affecting low-carbon consumption 바카라 오토 of urban residents: a comprehensive review."Resources, Conservation and Recycling132 (2018): 3-15(JCR Q1, IF=10.204)
4.바카라 오토 Rrong, Ding Zhihua,Jiang Xin, et al. How does experience impact the adoption willingness of battery electric vehicles? The role of psychological factors[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(20): 25230-25247.(JCR Q2, IF=4.306)
5.바카라 오토, R., Ham, J., Ding, Z.,Jiang, X.,& Zhang, H. Sustainable family development: How changes in family life cycle influence household low-carbon use 바카라 오토 through changing motivations[J].Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 34, 271-284.(JCR Q1, IF=8.921)
6.바카라 오토, R., Ding, Z., Wang, Y., Jiang, X.,Jiang, X.,Sun, W., ... & 바카라 오토, M. The relationship between symbolic meanings and adoption intention of electric vehicles in China: The moderating effects of consumer self-identity and face consciousness[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 288, 125116.(JCR Q1, IF=9.444)
7.Yan 바카라 오토, Rong 바카라 오토, andXin Jiang."What drives low-carbon consumption 바카라 오토 of Chinese college students? The regulation of situational factors."Natural Hazards(2018): 1-19.(JCR Q2, IF=3.158)
8.Zhenhua 바카라 오토, Zhihua Ding, Rui Li,Xin Jiang,JyS Wu, and Tao Lv. "Research on differences of spillover effects between international crude oil price and stock markets in China and America."Natural Hazards88, no. 1 (2017): 575-590.(JCR Q2, IF=3.158)